
*A * S A I L O R * J U P I T E R * P A G E*

Sailor Jupiter!!

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12.17.03: Okay. Those of you who come here a lot may notice there haven't been any updates recently. This is because I am no longer updating the site. This will be the last "update." However, my blog is updated almost every day (note I said ALMOST) so, if you want to read my sarcasm and wittiness (or lack thereof) you're free to do so...

Last Updated: 12.17.03

Makoto Bar
Over 2300 hits? I think someone's getting "reload" happy... -_-;

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Here's my banner if you want to put a link back to my page.

Jupiter Power!

Do NOT link directly to the image!!! Right click on the banner and choose Save As, then upload it to your own web server. Thank you. For the HTML code, check below:

<a href=""><img src="gtbanner.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="60" border=0 alt="Jupiter Power!"></a> Just copy and paste.

Sailor Jupiter, Kino Makoto are copyright (c) Naoko Takeuchi. I didn't design the characters, just the page. There, now you can't sue me. ^_^